Being involved with Global Executive Forums has led to great relationships and amazing opportunities to share best practices

Private Directory

You can access a member of your group or the entire group using the secure “member only” Directory. Each member has the option of deciding the contact information they want included in the directory. Information may include detailed contact information of the member, or be restricted to the contact information for that member’s executive assistant.

Information Exchange

The roundtable Treasurer/Member only sessions provide an excellent venue to exchange information on the most current issues of interest, as well as the best practices each member company follows in their day to day Treasury operations. Strategic initiatives are discussed openly as competing companies are members of different groups so that each member can contribute effectively in an open roundtable discussion.

Relationship Building

Mega Cap events are designed to maximize Treasurer to Treasurer time in group sessions as well as time to meet with other members in one on one sessions outside the meeting. Benchmarking after a meeting or simply reaching out to a member regarding a specific matter they commented on during the session is a valuable tool which is utilized effectively to the benefit of each participating member.

  What Your Peers Are Saying  

“….we keep pace by doing a lot of benchmarking, which is why Global Executive Forums is such a valuable resource for us.”

George Zinn

VP Treasurer, Microsoft

“The relationships and insights developed at Global Executives Forums helped us drive best practices into our Treasury organization.”

Dave Dohnalek

Senior Vice President of Finance & Treasurer, The Boeing Company

“The Mega-Cap group provides a great forum for exchanging views on common issues and opportunities for Treasurers of large corporations in an atmosphere free of competitive concerns.  It can provide both reassurance that you aren’t alone in thinking through how to respond to challenges, as well as some potential ideas to bring into play. The input from the various group sponsors (banks, insurers, consulting firms, etc.) also helps you keep current on trends and innovations in the financial arena.  It has been well worth the time.”

Bob Schleckser

Vice President and Treasurer, ExxonMobil Corporation

“I have been a member of the Mega cap Treasurer’s Alliance since 2009.  Prior to that I participated in other groups but found that many of the issues addressed pertained to companies that were significantly smaller than AT&T, hence the meetings were not very worthwhile.  The Mega cap includes only companies of the size and complexity of AT&T, so the topics are much more relevant.  The Treasurer to Treasurer discussions at the meetings are excellent, and the forum provides the opportunity to establish relationships with other treasurers that can also be leveraged outside of the scheduled meetings.”

Jon Klug

Senior VP Treasurer, AT&T

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1915 Dakota Ridge Trail
Reno, NV 89523

Acting on this vision, Global Executive Forums put on the first meeting of the Mega Cap Treasurer’s Alliance I at the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay, CA during May of 2009 with only 8 companies attending. The concept and the Treasurer driven content became so popular that the group grew to full capacity of 30 companies by 2010, which led to the formation of the Mega Cap Treasurer’s Alliance II group.

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